
Drones Play an Important Role In Relief Efforts in Nepal

Please support us in getting more UAV in the air in Nepal !

Brought to you directly from Nepal immediately following the 2015 earthquake  This drone footage is an example of the value of even small uav during rescue and reconnaissance in disaster situations both large and small.

Working with our partners Opu of Cygnus and Lama Rangbar of Bodivatu foundation,  Andy Trence, Peter Hass, and Kyla Coburn of XactSense have initiated “Drones for Disaster Relief” and are employing drones to inspect and support the relief efforts in Nepal. Llama Rangbar contacted Andy almost immediately after the quake looking for help with inspection, mapping and search and rescue. Opu of Cygnus who is based in Bangladesh was the first responder and has been on the ground since day2 using small UAVs to help search and rescue teams and  assist with analyzing building safety.

Filmed by Opu of
“DronesForNepal” and “” are an initiative of, Developers of UAV LIDAR and mapping technologies.


Aerial Video from UAV in Nepal

Here is the latest video from our Friend and Partner Opu who is a Bangladesh national. He has put his life at home on pause to travel to Nepal just one day after this tragedy struck, to document the damage and help the ongoing relief effort there in Kathmandu and surrounding areas. Opu builds and flies Drones for Aerial filming and mapping under the name “Cygnus Aerial”.


This is just a small sample of the video he has shot over the pas few days, as internet access is limited and transfer of video to us is slow.

We will be updating you with more footage as we can get it.


XactSense has initiated a funding campaign (and this website) to help make people aware of the amazing benefits of small UAS in disaster scenarios and help get aircraft, parts, and supplies to the areas affected by this earthquake and future events.

PLEASE consider donating to our cause and help keep Opu and people like him flying!

Drones For Nepal Donation Link =

Thank You !



On the ground in Nepal

These images also come from our friend and partner Opu who is now in Nepal assisting the relief effort and flying his UAV for real time video views from the air.

I have omitted the more graphic pictures out of respect to the families of those who have lost loved ones in Nepal.



UAV in Nepal !

These images are coming form our partner Opu who builds and operates UAV for Aerial Filming and Mapping under the name “Cygnus Aerial”.

He is there now flying (what batteries and equipment he has left) to help rescue missions and get aerial views to assess damages.

Please consider donating to our cause to keep him flying !

– Click Here to go to the [Drones for Nepal] fund raising page –